So I'm going through all my old notes and putting what I have on Evernote. From there, I can publish it using Pretty neat.
I lost In the meantime, I think this kinda suits me a little better anyways. You Tube is really the way to go for the videos. This will store the images for now just fine.
The point here is to build a lunetta or something similar, or close, or whatever. There really is no right or
wrong, just fabulous noise.
So, here is a circuit to start with. I would love to find a way to integrate it into a lunetta like thing. Shouldnt be too hard.
PWM LED Flasher
Its is a strange PWM flashy thing. There is two stages. An LFO and the PWM oscillator.
Originally, I used 1 meg pots, but 100k is probably a better choice. So I redid it for that.

The sound that you get is a chirp chirp sound.
The first pot, changes the flashing speed.
The second pot changes the chirp frequency. Its a little weird since the frequency of the chirp has no real visual effect.
The value of C3 will effect the attack...for lack of a better term. I would not go more than .2 or it pretty much blurs into each other.
Here is the original circuit

Other, maybe related links
Good reference on the schmitt trigger oscillator.
Flashes 3 LEDs
Here is the original Diagram I did a while ago.