Just about any lunetta thing has a bank of square wave oscillators.

There are plenty of references on whats going on here on the interwebs
The duty cycle can be adjusted

You can do the diodes both ways as well.
An interesting thing you can do with the oscillators is gate them with a diode.

You can see this in the Wacky sound generator
The diode can be flipped...for example here

I played a bit with the above circuit.
The Sync in this case is somewhat nuanced. If the target oscillator is going pretty fast, you may not hear much. If the target is slow, it does sync up an lfo in a way.
If your using counters and other logic chips, perhaps it might come in handy.
For a lunetta, I would consider its own module to generate a monostable pulse from an lfo. Perhaps with a 555
Important observations
Current makes a big difference on this chip.
A decoupling cap is needed.
Also...if your using LEDs, watch the resistor. I have found a considerable amount of signal 'bleed' using the 40106.
Almost, all of the time, its an amplitude issue.
Disconnect the LEDs. It stops.
I will need an npn/LED solution for the deal.
other ideas